+65 9487 7870

Winart Eco-friendly & Sustainability Policy

Eco-friendly, or being “green”, does help the environment, and does save energy, both of which are globally important. And realistically we all want to contribute to the conservation of natural resources, and help the environment, but we also want to see that being green will actually benefit us, here and now.

 Winart goal’s is to be the industry leader in environmentally responsible practices and products and to conduct our business in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, demonstrates environmental stewardship and provides our customers with environmentally beneficial products. We aim to educate and to promote good sustainability practice, to reduce the environmental impacts of all our activities and to help our clients and partners to do the same.

Here are the principles of how we implantation Eco-Friendly Policy :

Non-Harmful Material: Oeko-Tex Certification

Winart’s conserves natural resources by offering eco-friendly products, such as our Eco-Art Series that are made from natural material and proactive approach to obtaining certification form Oeko-Tex the internationally recognized label for CONFIDENCE IN TEXTILES. This certification signifies that the product has passed rigorous testing implemented by independent testing institutes which confirms that no harmful substances are present and that the fabric poses no risk whatsoever to your health.

Technology: PITCH BLACKTMCoating

According to ABSA (Association of Building Sustainability Assessors) research, Windows are critical to the overall energy efficiency of a home; as much as 40% of the heat lost from a home is lost from windows and up to 50% of unwanted heat gain is through the windows.

Winart has taken measures to provide you with the cutting edge coating technology – PITCH BLACKTM, superior blockout properties block out the heat and to allow you to not only help with environmental resource conservation, but to also help you save on the rising costs of energy for your home.

Production line: Minimize Waste Management

Winart’s believes that a healthy environment is not only complimentary, but also critical to a healthy & green business. Our production department, restructure production line and processes that are designed to minimize waste, maximize efficient utilization of materials and conserve resources and we will provide our customers with products that are long lasting with excellent performance.

Winart committed to environmentally responsible practices and contributing to the sustainability and health of the communities where we operate, not because others expect it, but because it is the right thing to do. We strive be a successful, unique, progressive, eco green company and live up to our sustainability policy we must minimize our impact on environmental resources.